![]() 10/04/2015 at 23:10 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
What is it with the impatient, more-important-than-you types that seem to be taking over the whole damned planet? I was in line at Costco today getting a bite to eat. Some douchenozzle went over to the register that was not open and tried to place an order. He was informed that there was a line off to the left, and he sort of got in it, albeit quite reluctantly.
As I was placing my order, he moved over to my left, grabbed a cup and handed the cashier a dollar. Excuse me? Wait your fucking turn, asshole. I was a little miffed that the cashier actually took his money and gave him change instead of telling him to wait his god damned turn.
I’m not mad that I was delayed 22 seconds getting my bratwurst. I am pissed that there are just too many people think that the rules of society don’t apply to them and that can just walk over the rest of us that are trying to be polite and civil.
/rant off
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The cashiers are trained to not have a confrontation no matter what.
But fuck that guy.
Just do you, man.
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The line at the Costco food counter has always been a clusterfuck. Between it not being clear which register is open and the people who park their Hummer-sized shopping carts in the line, it’s just a mess. None of which, of course, excuses the douchenozzle you encountered.
The other day I was at the local grocery, in the 15-or-less express lane, and the lady in front of me had about 30 items. Nobody said a word. I have talked to the managers at this chain, and they are pretty much instructed by their higher-ups not to say anything to these customers. They don’t want to be accused of bad customer service. But I asked them pointedly, “Would you rather upset the people who are
the rules or the people who are
the rules?” Apparently, the latter is company policy.
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A lot of it has to do with the fact we’re so used to getting what we want so quickly. Gone are the days when you would have to phone order things and wait weeks to receive it in the mail. Now you can order something online and have it delivered the next day (same day even in some situations).
And with mobile devices + internet that allows us to get a ton of information whenever and wherever we want instantly... that creeps into a lot of people’s minds. We don’t have time for lines. We hate waiting for anything. We’ve become impatient and spoiled.
And with selfie culture getting bigger and bigger, people are becoming more narcisstic. This leads them to believe they’re better than others and are exempt from doing things “ordinary” people have to do, like waiting in line.
Annoying, yes. Frustrating, yeah. I hate it when people cut me off, whether its in line or in traffic.
Know those people who drive fast in traffic and cut people off without indicating? They never end up much further ahead. In fact, I have witnessed many times I have stayed in my lane during traffic and the crazy zigzagger will end up behind me a few miles down.
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I deal with shit like this on a daily basis at work. I work at a carwash and people will get a certain type of wash and think that they’re entitled to receive more than they paid for.
An old lady came in last week, got a “wash and vac” so we didn’t clean her wheels or wipe down the whole interior of her car. She stormed out and yelled at me for not doing everything she wanted. She claimed that she was “a special customer” (her actual words) and that she deserved to get these extra things. My jaw dropped and I, in the most polite way possible, put her in her place by asking why she thought she was so important. My gm was standing right behind me trying to suppress his laughter while I basically told this lady that she was no more important than the bread crumbs that I vacuumed out of her carpets.
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I think altogether as a society we’ve told and shown people that pushing people around and breaking rules will be rewarded. It runs from the very top of our society all the way down to the very bottom. You’re not greedy and pushy, you’re just stronger than everybody else and you deserve everything more because of it.
![]() 10/04/2015 at 23:33 |
What an asshat (the guy, not you)
Costco is equally to blame for their long lines and understaffing despite the fact that they charge you to shop there.
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That’s why I don’t shop at Costco.
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Wait till you hit your 40s. Trivial things will drive you bloody crazy.
Control is a virtue.
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Most of my 40s are already in the rear-view mirror, I’m afraid. How I manage to remain relatively calm in the face of abject stupidity on a daily basis is beyond my level of understanding...
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The line really wasn’t all that bad, and the staff was doing an admirable job of handling the customers in a timely fashion. Other than perhaps teaching their employees to avoid confrontation I have no problem with Costco. If levels of blame are to be assigned, Costco’s portion is in the single-digit percentages in my view.
![]() 10/04/2015 at 23:42 |
Damn! If you’re past the 40s you have every right to start calling people out on their dumbassery.
I hate the same crap but I’m too damn Nice.
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I encountered 3 assholes going to, at Costco and trip home.
1) decided to cut across 4 lanes of traffic for his off ramp
2) didn’t understand how 3 way stops work
3) was an escalade with NY plates that used the break down lane because traffic is for poor people.
People have become assholes.
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I had a regular Bobby Fischer cut me off on the I5 near Portland, only to be sandwiched between me and the car I was following at a safe distance. What a fuckwit.
![]() 10/05/2015 at 00:00 |
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I hate when people take too much stuff to self checkout. When I’m just trying to pay for some bread and deli meat, there is invariably someone trying to scan $200 of groceries for a family of 5. Just wait in the full service line ya bum.
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We have a bunch of 20 year olds who think they are the special snowflake their parents think they are, and we have baby boomers who are living the “be yourself, do whatever you want”, who are now in the economic position they don’t have to take crap from anyone, and can do whatever they want.
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Fun Fact: Dog’s are not allowed in Walmart, unless you are permitted to have one for medical reasons. The workers can’t tell other people that their dogs are not allowed though, for fear of lawsuit. The world is a fucked up place.
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Now I did say most, not all, of my 40s are behind me. And the idiot at Costco? Older than me, and with a really bad haircut.
Thanks for the Last of the Summer Wine episode. I haven’t seen that show in ages, and keep forgetting that most things I want to watch are actually available on YouTube, whether legal or not. I really got into Britcoms a few years back after dropping cable and watching more independent and PBS programming. I discovered a number of great shows that I might not have otherwise watched via this method. It didn’t hurt that my dad introduced me to Monty Python via PBS 40+ years ago...
![]() 10/05/2015 at 00:22 |
I’m only 33, and my soul feels like it needs a walker most days.
Fuck people. Fuck stupidity. Fuck stupid people.
Yes I realize that is triple redundant.
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Sorry man. I get weird around birthday time.
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No worries. And happy birthday (if you want to be celebrating such an anniversary...)
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I deal with this all day at work. I work at a call center for an online clothing retailer. I constantly get calls from people asking where their order is, only to look up the order and see they ordered 2 days previously and only got standard shipping (5-7 business days).
The ones that belong in the special kind of hell are the ones that call on Tuesday going “I ordered a week ago! Where’s my stuff?” and I check the order to see they ordered on Friday night. Orders at my job process at 10pm CST for picking and shipping the next day... except the warehouse closes at 5pm Friday night until 5am Monday morning... and UPS doesn’t do pickups or deliveries on the weekend anyways.
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Really, a lot of it comes down to ignorance and people not knowing how warehouses and shipping work.
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The absolute worst is the school uniform customers. The system to look up dress codes to verify approved colors and logos is obnoxious. It takes 3-5 business days to process logo’d items, followed by whatever shipping method they choose (5-7 business days, UPS 2-day, UPS Next Day Air).
For almost two months I was fielding calls daily of “I paid for the 2 day shipping where’s my stuff?!”, just to find out that they’d ordered like 3 business days ago (or it’s Tuesday and they ordered on Friday, same hours for logo as warehouse), and it’s still in logo.
Then after reintroducing them to reality, I’d get the frustrated whine followed by “But school starts tomorrow and my kid doesn’t have clothes!” Motherfucker, you should’ve thought about that two Goddamn weeks ago and ordered sooner.
Fuck, we go through that same shit at Christmas. People order at the last minute and pay extra for overnight shipping, only for the air hub for UPS in Louisville to be so swamped that they can’t get everything delivered on time (it’s not like they can just pull extra cargo airplanes directly out of their assholes to handle a 700% surge in shipping volume). Then I get some jackass calling me on Dec. 26th telling me that I ruined Christmas.
If you gave half a shit for your loved one, you wouldn’t have ordered on Dec. 22nd!
![]() 10/05/2015 at 09:07 |
I’m 28, and I’m not above muttering “asociaal” out loud when people do stupid crap. (e.g. the right turn lane is not a zipper merge, damn it)
Most people in the US assume I’m speaking in German. Tells you how intelligent Americans are...
![]() 10/05/2015 at 10:27 |
I too have a problem with most old people. Being old is not a license to be rude. We are also at the point where most of the old people are baby boomers and largely responsible for screwing the rest of us over.
![]() 10/05/2015 at 12:20 |
I use this IT Crowd reference at least weekly.
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I haven’t watched The IT Crowd, probably because it would just hit too close to home. My last IT job was as a network engineer/administrator at a talent agency in Beverly Hills. On occasion I would have to cover the help desk and it was pure torture. I tried to lighten up the mood with a little humor, but I guess geek humor doesn’t go over well with the entertainment crowd.
There was a distinct clash in cultures. In IT we try to think logically and precisely, whereas in entertainment it is more about image and attitude, facts be damned. It really made me miss the days when I worked in aerospace, specifically satellite ground systems - in those jobs I was surrounding by people that had the same mindset and it made life so much easier...
![]() 10/05/2015 at 13:41 |
You should watch it. It hits very close to home as an IT worker... but is also a funny commiseration, to see hilarious fictional characters dealing with people as IT staff always must.
![]() 10/05/2015 at 14:16 |
Thought it was just me. I turned forty and I began noticing that in public everyone irritated me.